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*Art supplies (we will be using art supplies more this year. I have a box of crayons  

     for each student.  Any other supplies you can send with your student (colored

     pencils, markers, watercolors) would be helpful.



*Notebook or filler paper (for writing assignments)

*2-3 white board markers (students will use individual white boards)

Students may bring a binder to organize their papers, but it is not required

I will supply any folders the students need.

Students will be keeping their things in a cubby.  Large pencil boxes may take up

     too much space.

I have a classroom set of scissors, rulers, and glue sticks.  You don’t need to purchase these for your student.



A voluntary donation of $12 per student helps fund additional field trips and class activities. 



Students are expected to read for 20 minutes 5 nights a week.  I am o.k. with students reading to a younger sibling or being read to by an older sibling/adult for part of that time.  A great way for parents to engage their children in reading is to read a chapter book together (and discuss it) before bedtime at night.


Math homework will be sent home Monday through Thursday. If your student is spending more than 15-20 minutes on math homework (or doesn’t understand it), please let me know.


Homework will never be assigned on the weekend or over holidays.



When a student’s behavior interferes with my teaching or the learning of other students, the student will be given a warning.  If the behavior continues, the student will be required to call home.  If the behavior persists, a meeting will be set up with parents, teacher and student.  Each student starts with a clean slate each week.


It is difficult for me to teach and for students to learn when good manners and respect for authority are not present in the classroom.

Notice: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis, otherwise, they will be furnished by the school. 

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